Friday, October 9, 2009

Make Time For Tea


A cup of tea at the end of the day does more than just soothe your nerves. It could also quite possibly add a few more years to your life.

* Defense against cancer and heart disease. Several studies in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons have already established that antioxidants in green tea help protect our body's cell from certain types of cancer. Its antioxidants are so potent that its efficacy exceeds that of vitamins C and E.

* Aids n weight control. Do you want those last five pounds to disappear? Green tea might be able to help. The body's metabolism may be naturally enchanced by drinking tea, which helps in burning 70 calories within 24 hours.

*Provides stress-relief. Melt away the long and harrowing day at work wih cuppa. In study published by the Nagoya Universitiy Department of Psychology, the amino acid L-theanine in green tea may help in alleviating anxiety and stress.

*Boots immunity. Can't shake off the flu? Drinking green tea may also help in improving the body's resistance to common ailments such as the cold and flu. The immune system is enchanced by the vitamin C and catechins in green tea.

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