Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Brigthen Up Your Day

By Bingskee

Do you feel that your tasks at hand are taller than you? Do you continuously work like not stopping? Stop. You need to brighten up your day!

1. Maintain a normal health routine. Exercise can be one. Maintaining inner health is another. If you still do not have one, start now. Do not allow a day to make you lazy. This will start a bad mood.
2. Face your problem in its early stage and immediately resolve it if possible. Taking for granted these problems will just aggravate the situation. Being able to solve even a partial of it will boost the mood.
3. Listen to inspirational songs or programs, or attend healing processes. Prepare CDs with content that can make anybody alive and happy then put them in your car or have a place for them at home, or in your MP3 player. Listen, listen and be happy.
4. Always try to smile. Smile at everybody and they will smile back at you. Smiles brighten up the day.
5. Do something to enhance your creativity, or your hobby, or your intellect. Even in the midst of the tasks or workloads, give time for this and you will feel good.
6. Do what you wanted to do. Small things can mean a lot. Watching television shows is an example.
7. Commend yourself for doing something good or exemplary for the day. You can even treat yourself. Why wait for others to do this? You deserve to have a bright day!

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