Sunday, November 2, 2008


There was once an intelligent teacher who experimented the boiling water. She put three pots of water over the fire. In the first pot, she put some carrots. In the second pot, she put some eggs. In the third pot she put some beans that had been grounded into coffee powder. She boiled all three pots for 15 minutes. Afterwards she took out what she had put in the pot of boiling water. The carrots which were hard became soft. The eggs which were soft inside became hard. The coffee powder disappeared. But the water had the colour & the wonderful smell of coffee. Then, she thought of her life as a teacher.
Life of a teacher isn't always easy. Life of a teacher is not always comfortable. Oftentimes, life of a teacher is trying & difficult. Things don't happen as we wish. People don't treat us as we hope. We work very hard but get few results. The boiling water is like the problems in our life as teachers.We can be like the carrots. We go in tough & strong. We came out soft & weak. We get very tired. We lose hope. We give up. There is no more fighting spirit. We can like the eggs. We start with a soft & sensitive heart. We end up very hard & unfeeling inside. We hate our job. We don't like our students. We become hard-hearted. There is no warm feeling only bitterness. We can be like the coffee powder. The water has become different because fo the cofee powder changes the water! You can see it. You can smell it. You can taste it. The hotter the water, the better the taste. We can be like the coffee beans. We can make something good from the difficulties we face at school. We have the potentials for changing the lives of our students for the better. We can make our school a better place for work.
To succeed, we must try ....and try again. We must believe in what we are doing. We must not give up. We must be patient. We must keep pushing. The problems & difficulties at school give us the chance to become stronger....& tougher....& better teachers.
What are we like when things do not go well at school? Are we like the carrots....or the eggs... or the coffee beans?
Be like the coffee beans! Change the people around you at school. Influence them with your good work. Even if in return they will harbor ill feelings against you. Even if they will rock you out of yur wits. After all, in the final judgement, it is between YOU & GOD anyway.
I just compared the parable to the life of a Teacher. Hoping in this way reader's got inspired, touched & understand us as their teachers.

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