Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well, just as what many people quoted about being a teacher, a noble job to be exact. I think it’s more than noble.. if, there is still a word to describe more of what is noble. I can say this because i have a first hand experience of what they’re talking about. People just don’t know how hard the teachers were striving as this point in time (im not saying this because i’m a teacher). I can really see the picture of a typical teacher, from my experience and just by mere listening to my comrades of what they’ve been going thru… and believe me I don’t know where to start… im not talking about all the teachers from the whole wide world but the public school teachers from The Philippines… Many people would say that we are priviledged… maybe in some ways… but the negative ones surpasses the positive… Maybe at this point I will start my list… Our main goal is to give quality education to young children. But sad to say… this goal is often times set aside because of tons and tons of paper works the teacher must prepare… 1. forms; 2. bulletin boards; 3. grades; and other things I dont know the purpose and the importance of its content… The only thing that comes into my mind is that they are just so eager to give us all those meaningless works just to make us busy… and in fact they are so demanding of us giving quality education to little ones… But how? We don’t have time anymore… sometimes I envy those who are working in offices coz they won’t be bringing any works at home… while us… we can’t even make our lesson plans, grades, forms, etc. in school coz they always insist on quality time with the children. What about our personal life… Our family, our self… No wonder most family of teachers are problematic or worse… broken, and the root cause of that is no time for the family…

Not only that… the main reason why i’m writing this blog is about the expenses that we have to bear especially in times like this… at this time of year, we will have an evaluation. They (supervisors and other big bosses of DepED) will check our classrooms… our bulletin boards if its updated (We have to change it every grading period), trash cans, feeding materials(spoons, plates, glassess), mirrors, towels, soap in a soapdish… my list will go on and on… Because of that, we have to shell out some of our cash (if there is) just to comply with the checklist given. I keep on telling my co-teachers why they are so demanding of us when in fact they’re not giving us allowances for that expenses… We are spending our own money for that… and mind you, they’re giving us deadlines. What about our priorities? Oh God! But u know… im also aware about what President ****** ( i forgot) " Don’t ask what the government can do for u, but what u can do for the government" (correct me if Im wrong) hehehe… but what im trying to say is that they must be understanding to us, too. We are giving favors to them right, coz we sweat out for the salary we earned. No wonder most teachers are drowning with all the credits… Just like what they’re always saying.. por-loan nalang ang wala pa. Heheheh… I’ve got so many things pa sana to share about our system but it’s too long already…

I’m so sorry ha… this is just my opinion and that is my right. Im entitled to my own opinion… If anybody wants to comment on it… everybody’s welcome…

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